
Offering Online Programs yet?

By Mark Aying

Offering online programs to your clients is now easy. This makes it possible for you to generate multiple streams of income as a Fitness Professional.

So many ways to use these for your training business.

To learn more keep reading and watch the video.


Fitness Professionals who are serious about their careers know that it is only a matter of time before they will need to get there business online for them to survive. Maybe you do private or group training but also want to offer online consulting. This is where it is all going, might as well jump in. I can tell you that the water is great! Whoop Whoop!


This is a critical element in building a successful business as a personal trainer, coach, wellness professional or Fit Pro in this age of technology.

This upward trend has just starting and it’s here to stay. Jump to the head of the line and start implementing this now to drastically increase the speed of your success.

Accelerate Generating Multiple Streams of Income

Simple, Easy-to-Use and Critical

Depending upon the type of fitness business you run, now it is possible for you to post all of your clients workouts online which gives both you and your client instant access from anywhere.

You can post your workouts, images and even video of exercises and programs you want you private clients, group clients and NOW online clients you consult. This is how you generate multiple streams of income as a Fitness Professional, and stop giving away your programs.

What’s not to love

The days of excel spreadsheets or worst yet, paper and filing cabinet methods are over.

Paper method went out in the 90’s when excel came on the scene, and now excel is old-school considering that this Online Program section is available. You could post workouts on google docs, but that is not directly connected to other client data. This makes it all in one.

Since you already know how important it is to document client workouts and other aspects of your clients programs! Now you need to simplify both your access to them as well as your clients.

So why are you not offering online programs yet?

Because until now it wasn’t really an option for most. But now it is. Let’s get to work while making it easy. Your business and your clients will thank you!

We want to be your business partner by helping to organize and streamline aspects of your business that are proven to work. Many of which you might not even know about. Waiting to implement these proven methods only slows you down and “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” Right?

Your clients depend on you to help them get results … Nothing is more important than that!

Let us help you take your business to the next level by simplifying so much for so little. We are all brothers and sisters working to help people and live our passion. We understand many of the frustrations you face.